I'm working on the link issue. Something to do with my RSS reader or blogger client.
Did US citizen carry out suicide attack in Syria?
Here's how to fix congress and remove the lobbying curse.
also the government managing a level of election advertising free from the media for each candidate. Outlaw all other political advertising for 6 months around the election.
Radical, yes. But it would work.
The tax code is a mess. We need to throw it out and have a simple flat tax for everything.
A flat 10 percent tax rate across the board would be a good start.
Barak Obama gives nice speeches.
Over 5 years ago he criticized president Bush for the VA issues, and promising to fix it and not rest till its fixed.
5 years later he has done NOTHING to fix it. And he is still blaming former president Bush and still giving propoganda speeches citing investigations that obviously do not exist.
He is a failed president worth a lack of credibility and all his supporters x as n do is say the critics are racists.
Obama must go.
Seems this guy finally admits the truth. The earth was warming by itself.
So after 5 years plus in power it's still not Obamas fault and George Bush is to blame.
Typical Democratic lies and lack of honor. Teflon Obama does nothing and us to blame for nothing.
Looks like Eric holder has his corrupt and racist hands tied up in this IRS Scandal.
The Democratic platform is a negative roadmap and is the main force behind the elite of America.
The president was elected in a platform of Envy of those who have worked hard and succeeded, Greed with the continued desire to tax and take others wealth for big government use, and Entitlement which is the view that everyone is entitled to stuff for free,.
There is no free lunch, everything costs.
The only way to succeed is to expend effort and the lazy, criminals and freeloaders are entitled to nothing.
It's time to get back to basics. The government is the Helper of last resort not the nany who hands out free lunches.
To simplify,
No bail outs
No government run health care.
Stop printing money.
No more deficits
A president who acts instead of preaching
A government which is accountable.
In November we can begin the change.
I continue to hope, probably wrongly, that the minority drone voters who fall for the Democratic election tactic of playing the minority and race cards every election, will someday wake up and see that their only hope is a stronger economy, smaller government and less leftist radical government.
So basically stop falling for the Democratic trap which takes them for granted and vote smart.
Just because a candidate is Democratic, in no way makes them right, or the smart choice. There are conservative minority candidates that are better choices.
IRS Scandal expands to Democratic members of congress.
Eric Holder showing he is the only prejudiced one in the room. A racist at heart only concerned with blaming his and Obamas utter failure on a non existing bias.
Epic briefing by Trey Howdy. This guy's a real conservative gem and a great patriotic american
How about freezing the IRS finds until they come clean on the targeting of conservatives. And those responsible are fired and in jail
Washington post article
The House voted to hold Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress, just three days before the anniversary of the day the former IRS official ignited the tea party targeting furor.
Read more:
Guide to raise awareness of the scandal.
"I know it's funny to joke about, but it WAS a successful terrorist attack on American soil. 4 people died, including our Ambassador, 10 were injured, it was a CIA group and they didn't know this attack was being planned. That's the kind of thing the White House SHOULD find very important, and they're joking about it. Oh, and did you know we STILL don't know where Obama was during the whole thing? He wasn't in the situation room, and no one seems interested to find out where he was."
Rice declines speaking invite from Rutgers University. Lefties against freedom of speech seeking to limit point of views which show they are wrong.
Carney says we don't have hard numbers but we dispute your numbers.
Black teens beat white tern on a bus
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