Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wasting our money

Hold the Phone

Taxpayers covered the cost when a White House electrician ran up a $1,550 bill making personal calls to the Dominican Republic from his government phone, according to public records from the General Services Administration.And that’s just one example of “a ‘chronic problem’ of#...# employees using government cell phones for personal use, although most of the calls are local,” an operations coordinator at the White House Service Center told a GSA agent, according to a June 4, 2014, report by the GSA’s Office of Inspector General.#ad#The coordinator, whose name was redacted, “stated that [he or she] was given the impression that Read More ...

-- gReader Pro

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Voting machine error video... Or is it hacked or fraudulent programming.

Video: Touch-screen voting machines in Illinois lean Dem?

Let the finger-pointing begin! Color me a bit skeptical, but there’s a bigger story in here anyway. The effort to modernize the American electoral system after the dispute in Florida in 2000 included an emphasis on new technology, especially touch-screen voting, which supposedly would make voter confusion obsolete. After all, what could be easier than simply pointing to your […] View the video »

-- gReader Pro

It's t time to implement quarantines

CBS poll: 80% back quarantines for Ebola; Update: Hagel approves quarantines for returning troops

"Not consensus, but confusion." Yesterday, Barack Obama scolded governors who imposed quarantines on people who recently traveled from western Africa. He may want to reconsider his lecture. According to a new CBS poll, eight in ten Americans think quarantine during a potential incubation period sounds like a pretty smart idea — and more than a quarter want a travel […] Read this post »

-- gReader Pro

EPA set with nonsensical ban of Argon. And inert gas in the atmosphere.

EPA to ban Argon, one of the largest components of the atmosphere

Did you know that Argon, an inert “noble gas” element, one of the basic building blocks of nature, is the fourth most plentiful substance in our atmosphere? It’s true. There’s more Argon in our atmosphere than anything other than molecular Nitrogen and Oxygen, and then Water. So now the science deniers in the Obama EPA are banning Argon. In chemistry, a “noble gas” is one of the elements on the periodic table that is usually listed on the far right side*, which represents an element whose electron configurations are ‘full.’ What this means is that these elements don’t really react much. They don’t even usually form molecules**, rather just preferring to float around as lone atoms. They don’t react, they don’t corrode, they don’t do anything really. Think about the difference between Hydrogen and Helium. Hydrogen is a strongly reactive gas, explosive in the right conditions, as we saw in the Hindenburg disaster. Helium however is a noble gas, and is perfectly safe, unlike Hydrogen. Argon is another noble gas, about as reactive as Helium. I guess the Obama folks never took Chemistry in school, spending all their time in racist studies courses, and so don’t know what ‘inert’ means. However they have their work cut out for them trying to ban 1% of the global atmosphere. * I guess someone told the EPA that Argon is a far right Koch element. ** When noble gases do form molecules, they are created artificially, with the heaviest noble gases like Xenon, and are highly reactive. For example XeF₄ must be kept in special containers of Nickel, and will spontaneously react with any water, including in the air, so can only be used it completely dry environments. This illustrates just how difficult it is to get a noble gas into a molecule. Even if you cram it in there, it’ll try to get out. The post EPA to ban Argon, one of the largest components of the atmosphere appeared first on RedState.

-- gReader Pro

More attempted Democratic criminal activity to steel election.

Democrats Accused Of Posing As Republican Election Judges In Colorado

'I get emotional because this is how they win'

-- gReader Pro

Great news

Majority of young likely voters prefer a Republican-run Congress

Image credit: Marcio Jose Bastos Silva/ A new Harvard Institute of Politics (IOP) poll of 18- to 29- year-olds finds a majority, 51%, who say they will “definitely be voting” in the November midterm elections prefer a Republican-run Congress. Only 47% favor a Democrat-controlled Congress. That’s a significant shift from the 2010 midterm elections, when IOP found 55% preferred Democrat control and 43% prefer Republican control. Among those most likely to vote, President Obama’s job approval rating is only 42, just above his lowest mark of 41%. Fifty-six percent disapprove. And like the IOP’s April results, Obama’s approval is underwater on every issue polled: The Economy 36% – 60% ObamaCare 37% – 59% The Budget Deficit 31% – 65% Foreign 35% -60% Immigration 35% – 61% Race Relations 47% – 49% Obama is losing support among young Hispanics. Only 49% of young Hispanics now approve of Obama’s performance and 46% disapprove. That’s the lowest rating among young Hispanics since the IOP began tracking the administration in 2009. It’s also a significant drop from the 60% found in April 2014 and a huge decline from the 81% found in November 2009. And like the 27% in 2010, 26% of those under the age of 30 say that they will “definitely be voting” in the fall. Worse for Democrats, traditional Republican constituencies seem to be showing more enthusiasm than Democrat ones for participating in the upcoming midterm elections and are statistically more likely to say they will “definitely be voting.” The post Majority of young likely voters prefer a Republican-run Congress appeared first on RedState.

-- gReader Pro

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Houston' radical gay mayor breaking all sorts of laws

Houston’s Mayor Throws Out Citizens’ Petition, Goes after Local Pastors

‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Unless you’re in Houston, Texas, in which case you had best render everything to Mayor Annise Parker or else.Earlier this year Parker, a Democrat, spearheaded the passage of an “Equal Rights Ordinance” (ERO) that added “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the city’s non-discrimination provision, which includes, among other things, “public accommodations” -- for example, restrooms. Citizens, among them church leaders, balked. They launched a referendum petition that, with the requisite 17,269 signatures, would require the city council to repeal the ERO, or Read More ...

gReader Pro

Nobody beleiver Obama anymore

Obama on Ebola: Trust Us, We’ve Got This Under Control

No, he and his scientists don't have this under control

-- gReader Pro

A o the Democratic candidate won't admit to voting for Obama.

Michelle Nunn Won't Say If She Voted for Obama

​Another Democratic Senate candidate has refused to say whether she voted for President Obama: This time it was Michelle Nunn in Georgia.The same question has tripped up other red-state Democrats on the campaign trail. On two occasions over the past week, Kentucky's Alison Lundergan Grimes has been panned for her refusal to answer the question, twice citing the "sanctity of the ballot box" as her reason for keeping mum.Nunn was approached by a tracker who asked her if she voted for the president in 2008 or 2012. Nunn did not respond and kept walking towards the venue she was headed Read More ...

-- gReader Pro

White house keeps head in the sand. still no travel ban

White House: Nope, an Ebola travel ban still isn’t on the table

Protection. Via the Corner, once again the White House’s explanation is that a ban would restrict much-needed supplies and health-care workers from countries that desperately need them. And once again, the reply will be: Why not use chartered flights for those supplies and workers? Why not use military flights, now that Obama’s already decided to send […] Read this post »

-- gReader Pro

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Real probability of our soldiers contracting ebola

Expert: ‘Very real’ chance U.S. soldiers deployed to African hot zone will get Ebola

"...clearly there was a breach in protocol." Jazz Shaw reported on Sunday that a Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital care provider who treated Thomas Eric Duncan, the American Ebola victim whom the Centers for Disease Control have taken to calling the “index patient,” has tested positive for the deadly hemorrhagic fever. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony […] Read this post »

-- gReader Pro

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ebola plan won't work

Failed measures to stop Ebola spreading.

They know it can incubate for 21 days wIth no fever. So taking your temp uhh s useless.

Friday, October 10, 2014

More Obama knows best ignoring experts in pursuit of his socialist ideal

Obama contradicts CDC in reassuring west Africans: You can’t get Ebola sitting next to someone on a bus

Hmmmm. A nice catch by CNS, which notes that O’s advice seems to conflict with the CDC’s advice. The CDC says you should “avoid public transportation” in the U.S. if you’re running a fever above 101.5 after having recently returned from west Africa, suggesting that casual transmission in close quarters in public spaces is possible. (Shouldn’t […] Read this post »

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Whitehouse spin on story demonstrably false

Gweneth paltrow showing how dumb she really is.

Dem refuses to admit voting for Obama

Obama strategy