Monday, June 16, 2014

IRS lies

So the IRS,  after 2 years of stalling,  are claiming that they last the Lois Lerner emails.

After several decades of working in I. T.  Departments I can tell you what utter crap that argument is.
There are always backup tapes stored off site and redundant drive systems on servers. 

The house needs to subpoena the Server administrators and email admins,  under threat of jail,  to testify.  Also offer them Immunity if they testify and reveal whats really going on.

Lois Lerner needs to be subpoena d to produce all her email credentials and an independent forensics expert team must be given access to the IRS' s systems to uncover the truth.

Enough delays,  it's time for answers.

Nixon was impeached for doing far less than what Obamas  done for several years!

Either we get honesty and transparency or we are as helpless as the people of third world dictatorships.

This whole Democratic web of coverup and collusion must end.

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