Friday, August 1, 2014

Why bring Ebola to the US ?

What crazy idiot would allow an infected Ebola patient to be brought to the US?

Homeland Security News. Why are they importing Ebola into the US?

via NBC News.
Emory University Hospital in Atlanta said Thursday it was preparing a special isolation unit to receive a patient with Ebola disease “within the next several days”.
“We do not know at this time when the patient will arrive,” Emory said in a statement. The university also did not say whether the patient was one of two Americans battling Ebola infection in Liberia – charity workers Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly.

Regardless of precautions, this is patently the most idiotic move and whoever gave their approval should be  hung, drawn and quartered.

Caregivers in Africa who are using all the precautions are still getting infected so obviously precautions aren't enough.

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