Wednesday, April 30, 2014

WhiteHouse - Benghazi email not about Benghazi? What utter crap!

Right to work frees workers from Union conscription

Obama vacations

Free spending President who talks about income inequality. .

More benghazi insights

Here is a good description of the coverups.

Benghazi deniers

Many of our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left don’t want us to talk about the new information confirming what most of us crazy teabaggers have long suspected: The White House directly pushed the lie that the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was caused by an anti-Muslim YouTube video.

They knew it wasn’t true. They also knew that they had an election coming up in less than two months, the debates were looming, and this debacle threatened to overshadow Obama’s heroic act of single-handedly climbing through Osama Bin Laden’s bedroom window with a knife between his teeth.

With the help of their enablers in the mainstream media*, the Obama team was able to maintain this lie — and all their other lies about what happened before, during, and after the Benghazi attack — long enough for Obama to get reelected.

It was supposed to be over. It was supposed to be old news. What a sense of relief our lefty friends felt.

But now the dumb wingnuts have been proven right, and it’s not fair.

That’s why the #BenghaziDeniers are out in force, with the help of “Think” “Progress,” the guys at Media Matters who haven’t started striking yet, and the rest of their miserable ilk. They’re working very hard to convince you that this doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that the White House lied to you about the murder of an abandoned U.S. ambassador by Islamic terrorists, due to Obama’s astonishing incompetence. It doesn’t matter that they think you’re stupid enough to believe pretty much anything. It doesn’t matter. Because it just doesn’t. Shut up.

I, for one, eagerly look forward to being berated, furiously and at great length, about how little this matters. I look forward to being lectured, by the same idiots who’ve turned “BENGHAZI!!!11!!” into a punchline, that we’re “politicizing” this by daring to talk about the evidence that this was a cover-up done for political reasons.

You dragged Obama across the finish line, guys. Now he’s holding a broken trophy, and all your spittle-flecked denial and deflection won’t fix it.

You’d better get used to the taste of your own medicine, because we’ve got plenty of it.

Open wide, #BenghaziDeniers.

IRS under more pressure

Democratic group caught lying to the IRS.  Will the IRS impartially investigate and punish them.... I think not.

Benghazi emails a smoking gun

Commentator calls new benghazi emails a smoking gun.

Man up Duke University

Left attempts to control speech.

Dems playing Race card... Again

The Democrats are back to thier conspiracies and race card political propaganda.  Whenever lack of performance and   corruption reports mount up the race card is played.

White House Aid implicated in Benghazi cover up

Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ‘video’ explanation

I hope we get this all out in the open and people get held accountable for the disgrace of Benghazi.

End Aid to the Palestinians

Why are we giving 400 Million dollars annually to the Palestinians? This should be ended !

In light of the recent alliance of Fatah and Hamas Senator Rand Paul is pushing a bill to end this aid.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

With the Destruction of Traditional Marriage the Gates are open for every sort of perverted union !

The below story shows how the breakdown in American society is progressing on the heels of the liberal progressive push to say anything goes as long as it feels right. No limits and no tolerance for common sense opposing views.

Well I for one oppose this !

Here comes the bride. And another one. And another one! Meet world's first married lesbian THREESOME . . . and they're expecting a baby due in July

A good graphic scale

Good news for Conservatives - POLL: 2014 LOOKS WORSE FOR DEMS THAN 2010

“Just 42 percent approve of [President Obama’s] handling of the economy, 37 percent approve of how he is handling the implementation of [ObamaCare] and 34 percent approve of his handling of the situation involving Ukraine and Russia.”]

Israel Criticism misplaced

Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly saying Israel could become an "apartheid state," is just another symptom of the wayward and nonsensical foreign policy that the Obama administration is pursuing.

Late Monday, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., added a bipartisan note to the Kerry criticism, tweeting, "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and any linkage between Israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous."

This is about the only time I will agree with this democratic senator.

Israel is also gods chosen people and it is written that any nation which stands against Israel stands against God and I personally don't want to go down that road.

We MUST support Israel and we also must oppose any groups who deny Israels right to exist.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Guns Don't Kill People, But 'Gun-Free Zones' Do

"Since Virginia loosened its gun ownership laws, they have seen, from 2006 to 2011, an increase of gun ownership by a staggering 73%. So what has happened since Virginia became the "Wild West," as liberals like to say? Not only has gun-related violent crimes not increased during the last six years, it's gone DOWN by 24%"

In December of 2007 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a gunman entered the Megachurch New Life carrying an assault rifle, two handguns (exactly what the Connecticut shooter had) and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Police say he had planned a massacre and there were several thousand people in the church at the time. After killing two, he was shot and killed by a church member serving as a security guard.
Thankfully, that church was not a "Gun-free Zone."

This seems to be accurate with respect to the main stream media.

Is The Obama Administration The Cause Of Gun Ammunition Shortages?

Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz , recently noted that the DHS is purchasing enough ammunition to allow for each person to use roughly 1,000 more rounds of ammo per person than the U.S. Army. “It is entirely … inexplicable why the Department of Homeland Security needs so much ammunition,” said Chaffetz.

Democratic Lie about IRS Targeting revealed.

IRS agents’ testimony: NO progressive groups were targeted by IRS

I seem to remember some liberal propaganda about the IRS targeting liberal groups as well as conservative groups. We can see that was just another lie for their brainwashed followers.

"IRS agents testified before Congress that the agency’s political targeting did not apply to progressive groups as Democrats and the media have claimed, according to a bombshell new staff report prepared by the House Oversight Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa."

A New Beginning

I decided its time to start posting political news and views on a separate blog for several reasons.

Firstly, there is a massive bias in the media for news which favors the liberal left and its progressive agenda. News which shows this agenda in a bad light is often not reported or pushed into the background by liberal propaganda and focus stories on fluff topics.

Secondly, there is an election this November in which I hope a lot of Liberal Dems who voted for the un affordable healthcare act are voted out of office. And if we can get a majority of conservatives into the Senate then we can block Obama's dictatorial progressive onslaught.

So let the battle begin.