Monday, June 30, 2014

Obama tells Israel to go eat, instead of supporting their fight against terrorist attacks

Obama Urges Israel Not to 'Destabilize Situation' after Hamas Murdered Teens

President Obama urged Israeli leaders not to "destabilize the situation" following the discovery of the bodies of three teenagers, including one American citizen, who were kidnapped by Hamas, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," Obama said in a prepared statement. "From the outset, I have offered our full support to Israel and the Palestinian Authority to find the perpetrators of this crime and bring them to justice, and I encourage Israel and the Palestinian Authority to continue working together in that effort. Read More ...

Krauthammer's Take: the Case Against Hobby Lobby a Product of Big Government

The case in which the Supreme Court voted 5–4 in favor of Hobby Lobby arose partly because of the expansion of the modern welfare state, Charles Krauthammer observed Monday on Fox.
The entitlement state depends upon the government to determine who gets health care and what sort of health care they receive, he explained. The government “defined [preventative care provided by Obamacare] arbitrarily as being contraception, as if a pregnancy is a disease to be prevented,” he said.
His main takeaway from the Hobby Lobby case was the expansion of the state, regardless of intentions,  will “inevitably” impinge on religious practice.

Widespread Cyberattack Compromises Over One Thousand Power Plants

Security firm Symantec has discovered a large-scale hacking campaign responsible for successfully infiltrating the computer systems of more than a thousand power plants across the United States and Europe. In a blog post published on the company’s website Monday, Symantec said the group of attackers, dubbed “Dragonfly,” used a malware campaign to spy on systems […]

Where is his assistance and support.

'As a father,' Obama mourns teens

The president extends his "heartfelt condolences" to the families of the three murdered Israelis.

New Documentary ‘We Ride To DC’ Aims To Expose Establishment Media Bias

Totalitarians Oppose Today’s SCOTUS Rulings

Make no mistake, both of today’s SCOTUS rulings were about freedom. And the parade of screeching liberals opposed to both results has made it clear that when it comes to freedom, they are against it.
The first case, Harris v. Quinn, dealt with the freedom of employees to refuse to join a union or pay compulsory dues to a union they don’t wish to belong to. The conservative view is that individuals should have the freedom to make that choice – the liberal view is that the choice should be made for the employee by the force of law. In the second (Actually a group of companion cases under the Hobby Lobby heading), at issue is the freedom of family-held companies to honor their religious objections to not being complicit in the provision of abortifacients to their employees. In the conservative view, you should be free to make this choice for a company you started and owned, and employees should be free to work for another company if the benefits package is not what they want. In the liberal view, these companies should have the choice made for them by the government.
The force that can be brought to bear by today’s government – both Federal and State – is terrifying to behold. Taxes, fines, fees, criminal sanctions can grind companies out of existence and ruin individuals. To say nothing of the legal fees that can be incurred by companies and individuals fighting even the most meritless of government claims. A principal tenet of life in a free democracy is that a man should only fear being trodden underfoot by the State behemoth for legitimate reasons connected with the survival of the state itself or its citizens. A country in which the State is used as an arbitrary score settler – or worse, as an enforcer of political or cultural orthodoxy – is not a free State and its citizens are not truly free. In the final analysis, it does not matter if the specific arbiters of the orthodoxy to be enforced are democratically elected; if minority viewpoints are not allowed to exist, flourish, and be practiced without fear of State sanction, totalitarianism is imminent if not already present.
Make no mistake; this is the America liberals are trying to create. Both the quality of the opposition itself and the fury with which it is currently being expressed (see here, for instance) show that these people have no tolerance for being stalled in their agenda, and have no willingness to even allow opposing viewpoints from their own to exist. If we allow them to continue to win at the ballot box, America as we know it – that is to say, a relatively free nation – will soon cease to exist.
The post Totalitarians Oppose Today’s SCOTUS Rulings appeared first on RedState.

So begins a left smear against freedom of religion and free speech

Hobby Lobby opponents: Supreme Court probably legalized xenophobia, racism

Strong feelings.
The left has been… animated in their objections to the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case which declared the mandate in the Affordable Care Act which forced employers to provide employees with abortifacients drugs over their religious objections to be unconstitutional. In spite of what many have characterized as the narrow and tailored […]
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He caused it but can't fix it.

Obama: I guess I’m going to have to fix our immigration system on my own

Via the Corner, it’s interesting that he picked a day when the media’s consumed with SCOTUS news to pull this. Maybe he figures that all the lefties who care about amnesty will notice regardless whereas independents, from whom he fears a potential backlash, might be distracted. Never underestimate how short the low-information voter’s attention span […]
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2 thousand million? No way.

Obama Asks for $2 Billion in Emergency Funds to Slow Border Crossings, Speed Deportations

President Obama asked Congress today for more than $2 billion in emergency funds to manage the surge of illegal Central American immigrants at the South Texas border, and to speed the deportation of those already here.
The president, in a letter sent to Congress, asks lawmakers to revise existing immigration law to give the Department of Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson, new authority to quicken the screening and deportation of unaccompanied migrant children who are not from Mexico.
The White House will send a detailed request for the funds when Congress returns from its holiday recess July 7.
Under current U.S. law, Border Patrol agents are required to take child migrants who aren’t from Mexico into custody, screen them and transfer them to the Department of Health and Human Services within 72 hours.
HHS keeps the children at detention centers until it can unite the children with family or a sponsor in the United States, before they appear in immigration court to determine their status.
Under current law, if children come from Mexico, they can be returned immediately if they don’t pass an initial screening interview by a Border Patrol agent, who determines whether a credible fear exists.
Obama wants the same process to apply to Central American children rather than automatically taking them into custody and undergoing full court proceedings.
As part of his request, Obama is also asking for tougher penalties for smugglers who bring children and other migrants into the United States illegally. IIn addition, he asks for “a sustained border security surge” and an increase in immigration judges to clear court backlogs.
“In theory, these are good ideas,” said David Inserra, a research associate for homeland and cyber security at The Heritage Foundation.
“It’s using our enforcement tools quickly and efficiently to reduce the workload on ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], border agents and immigration judges. While the funding may be necessary, this underscores the consequences of not enforcing the law. If border enforcement had been stronger, the spending would not have been necessitated.”
More than 52,000 unaccompanied children and 39,000 women with children have been apprehended at the border this year.
Border officials have told the Daily Signal that three of four people crossing the Texas-Mexico border are from countries other than Mexico.
Obama has already has added capacity to process and place the border crossers, directing Secretary Johnson to coordinate assistance from various sections of the government, including HHS, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Coast Guard.
In addition, the Obama administration has pledged $93 million in new programs to reduce violence in Central America. The funding includes $40 million to reduce gang membership in Guatemala, $25 million to build 77 youth centers in El Salvador and $18.5 million to build 77 youth centers.
Republicans have criticized the administration’s border policies, calling them weak, and demanding that the White House send a stronger message that women and children cannot stay here.
Last Thursday, Obama offered a warning to Central American parents in an interview on ABC News. “Do not send your children to the borders,” Obama said. “If they do make it, they’ll get sent back. More importantly, they may not make it.”
On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with the leaders of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to address the problem. Next week, Secretary Johnson will travel to Guatemala.
The post Obama Asks for $2 Billion in Emergency Funds to Slow Border Crossings, Speed Deportations appeared first on The Daily Signal.

CO Senate Poll: Udall, Gardner in Virtual Tie

A new poll finds Colorado Republican Cory Gardner neck and neck with the Democratic senator Mark Udall in what's become one of the hottest Senate races of the midterm elections. Rasmussen Reports finds Udall with 43 percent support and Gardner, a two-term congressman, with 42 percent support, a virtual tie between the candidates.
The Rasmussen poll is just the latest to show first-termer Udall below 50 percent support, and Real Clear Politics's poll average shows the race is a true toss-up. Both Udall and Gardner easily won their respective primaries this month, with Gardner clearing the Republican field earlier this year in a move that signalled to the national party the race was winnable.
The ad war between the two has already started, with Udall appearing in an ad attacking Gardner for wanting to ban birth control, and Gardner responding with his own ad targeting the Democrat's vote and continued support for Obamacare. The 39-year-old Gardner has also argued the Senate needs a "new generation," contrasting himself with the 63-year-old Udall, who also served in the House of Representatives for 10 years before entering the Senate.
Colorado Republicans also say they are counting the issue of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas drilling will work their advantage in a state where the ascendent Democratic party is starting to fracture around the issue. Democratic congressman Jared Polis is financing several local ballot initiatives to ban or limit the practice of fracking, while the state's Democratic governor John Hickenlooper, a geologist by trade, has traditionally supported Colorado's energy industry. Udall, meanwhile, has remained silent on the proposed bans. Expect to hear more about these divisions in the coming months.

Rush: We’re Back to Nine People in Black Robes Deciding Our Fate, Which Is Why There’s a Tea Party in Politics

(Rush Limbaugh) – BEGIN TRANSCRIPT
RUSH: We’re still back, however, to the thing that we’ve all talked about on this program for years.  Here we have two cases Democrat, and everybody else breathlessly awaits what nine people who wear black robes are going to say.  And whatever those nine people say is final, fini, that’s it.  And it’s awfully precarious.  Somebody asked me today, “So are you expecting any Supreme Court vacancies this term, Rush? Do you expect any of them to resign?
“I said, “Gee, I hope none of ours.”  If one of the libs resigns, okay, Obama gets to name a replacement lib.  No change in the balance.  If one of our side resigns, then that’s a different ball game altogether.  It’s like the First Amendment.  Freedom of religion.  The fact that even gets to the Supreme Court is appalling to me.  I understand it, both legally and intellectually, but it’s still appalling that it comes down to this.  That we have a president who looks at the Constitution and bulldozes it.  Sometimes he tries to finesse his way around it, other times just finesses it.
SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.

So most every day is spent on defense.  You get up every day and you see next what aspect, what tradition, what institution of our great country is under assault now.  And so all the energy is spent on defending things that ought not need a defense ’cause the Constitution is what it is.  But the fact is there are people that don’t like it. The fact is people think the Constitution is far too limiting on them, and those are people who think the government’s not big enough, and the government doesn’t have enough power.  And they resent deeply fact that the Constitution limits only government and does not limit the people.  They want to replace it, or amend it, change it however so that the Constitution finally spells out what government can do, not what government can’t do.  It really, really bugs ‘em.  So they mount these all out assaults.
This is why push-back is so important, and it’s why when there isn’t any push-back — I’m talking about political push-back. When there’s no political leadership trying to stand up and defend all these traditions and institutions that are under assault, it’s why you end up with a Tea Party, which really isn’t a party.
Oh, by the way, speaking of the Tea Party, I didn’t even intended to get to this today.  There’s an editorial today in the Washington Times.  Now, everybody assumes the Washington Times, for better or for worse, is at least, in terms of media, conservative.  There’s a huge editorial, signed editorial, an op-ed, I guess, that is devoted to the premise that the Tea Party is dead, and that’s good.  It’s about freaking time.  And the Tea Party died in the Thad Cochran election.  That was it.  That proves the Tea Party doesn’t exist, it never did exist. The Tea Party may have been good when it started, but then too many people tried to commandeer it for their own personal promotional reasons.
Sarah Palin is cited, a couple of other people cited.  So the Tea Party, which is a grassroots organization, really wasn’t even a party, was just a massive collection of individuals has now been corrupted, and they’ve entered the political fray, and they couldn’t even beat Thad Cochran.  This piece does not even talk about the shenanigans that took place with the Republicans getting out the vote of Democrats in a Reverse Operation Chaos.

But the point is that we get up every day and we have to defend what we think are never-ending assaults on the traditions and institutions which have defined this country’s greatness.  I don’t care if 80% of the country doesn’t know what they are.  You know, I don’t care if there’s a lot of ignorance.  I don’t really care.  You know, I’ve been hearing a lot of, “You know, Rush, the people of tired of political fighting. They don’t want it anymore. It’s a new age now.  Look at the kids.  The kids, with them it’s just tolerance.  You know, everybody’s fine, everybody’s okay, and this stuff, you know, you’re never gonna win it, and if it doesn’t work it’s gonna fix itself. Obamacare will fix itself.  We don’t need all this constant bickering, constant fighting. Look around, you know, take any town, 80% of the people that live there don’t care.  They don’t want to be involved. They don’t like the fight. They just want to live their lives and be left alone.”
Well, that’s fine, but the fact that 80% may not care or might not have even been educated to know why they should care doesn’t mean that you just cave and give up.  I mean, every day is spent trying to educate, trying to inform, trying to influence, no question, and trying to stop.  We haven’t even gotten around to advancing an agenda, and we have to get to the Supreme Court on something that’s already in the Constitution.  It does wear people out.  I fully understand that, but if 80% or if the current generation, the Millennials, if they don’t care, why should that be gospel?  “They don’t like to fight, Rush, they just don’t want to mess with it anymore. This left-right paradigm doesn’t exist anymore for people.  It’s a losing battle.”
I wonder how many people at the time of the nation’s founding had that kind of an attitude.  “I don’t want to mess with this. I don’t want to go to war.  I’m happy here as it is.  The British aren’t gonna do anything to us unless we provoke ‘em.  We don’t have to do anything.”  It’s just a constant battle, and it’s always going to be, always has been. The history of the country is it’s always a minority of really committed people who are fighting tyranny, who are fighting the natural inclination of government to grow and amass and wield power.
RUSH:  Throughout American history, it has been (at the beginning) a minority who fought for, in this case, independence.  If there were polls back in the days the founding, they probably would have found a majority opposed to it. They didn’t want the hassle, didn’t want to put up with it.  But this is what leadership is all about.  It’s undeniable.
Some people just don’t want to face it. It’s too hard; it requires commitment and involvement.  It requires judgments, and a lot of people are not comfortable making judgments.  They don’t want to be judged, and they’re not comfortable making judgments.  Certainly (depending on places such as where they live or where they work), they do not want to be thought of as political.
I think that’s one of the things that is happening in our culture right now is there’s a whole negative to politics for whatever reason. There’s any number of them.  But if you say that your political orientation or views or energy is why you favor or oppose something, a lot of people are just gonna reject it.  But if you say it’s “cultural,” that you care about people, then they’ll listen to you and think that you care.
It’s a fascinating thing.  All this evolution is constant that is taking place in the country. It transforms and reforms, but it requires people that stay focused. It requires people that stay committed in order to provide the leadership, and eventually get the 80% that don’t care at some point to pay attention — at least a little.  Because it is they for whom everything is being fought.
RUSH:  Alexis de Tocqueville, when he was touring America in the 1830s, said that all Americans wanted to talk about was politics.  They were consumed with it.  It’s not an abnormal thing.  What’s abnormal is more and more people tuning out of it — and, of course, there are reasons.

The post Rush: We’re Back to Nine People in Black Robes Deciding Our Fate, Which Is Why There’s a Tea Party in Politics appeared first on Tea Party.

Obama calling power grab borrowing?

TOP DEM: Obama Will ‘Borrow the Power’ to Solve Immigration Crisis

(The Hill) – Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) says President Barack Obama, “will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration.”

Durbin made the comments at a press briefing on immigration last Thursday urging House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to bring an immigration bill onto the floor for a vote.
“I don’t know how much more time he thinks he needs, but I hope that Speaker Boehner will speak up today,” Durbin said. “And if he does not, the president will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration and he shouldn’t be sued as a result of it.”
Last week, Boehner announced a planned lawsuit that accuses President Obama of failing to carry out the laws passed by Congress and habitually overstepping his authority.
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White House: ‘The Constitutional Lawyer in the Oval Office Disagrees’ With the Supreme Court

(Free Beacon) – White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the “constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office” disagreed with the Supreme Court’s assessment of religious freedom Monday during his daily press briefing.
The Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of the Christian-owned company Hobby Lobby, saying by a 5-4 vote that Obamacare’s mandate that companies pay for insurance coverage for contraception violated its religious freedom.
“There are now a group of women of an indeterminate size who no longer have access to free contraceptive coverage simply because of some religious views that are held not by them, necessarily, but by their bosses,” Earnest said. “We disagree and the constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office disagrees with that conclusion from the Supreme Court, primarily because he’s concerned about the impact that it could have on the health of those women.”
The constitutional lawyer has seen things differently than the judicial branch on several issues lately. For instance, Obama was rebuked last week when the Supreme Court struck down three of his recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board as unconstitutional.
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Religious Liberty Wins at Court

The Associated Press reports:
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.
The justices’ 5-4 decision Monday is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.
Contraception is among a range of preventive services that must be provided at no extra charge under the health care law that President Barack Obama signed in 2010 and the Supreme Court upheld two years later.

Obama, it's not my fault.... Crap

Obama blames GOP for his failed presidency

If ever one needed proof of the unsuitability of Barack Obama for the presidency, that proof was visible for the world to see today in Minneapolis. Accusing the GOP of a “block me and call me names strategy,” Obama may have thought he was “going Bulworth” but he was really unleashing his spoiled, petulant two year old.
President Obama says he’s been itching to “say what’s on my mind” about Republicans in Washington. And today on the banks of Lake Harriet he let loose, turning an official event on the economy into a rally for Democrats in the midterm campaign.
“So far this year Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down every single idea to strengthen the middle class,” Obama told a crowd of 3,500.
“Don’t boo,” he quipped. “I want you to vote.”
The fact that Obama has ceased to have the ability to do anything is due to no one but himself. Without recounting history, from 2008 to 2010, when the Democrat party controlled both House and Senate, Obama treated Republicans with total disdain… much as he treats them today. The difference is that with the senile Harry Reid leading the Senate and the desiccated Nancy Pelosi ensconced as Speaker, Obama got anything he wanted. The best example of this is a Democrat majority marching lockstep over the cliff in order to give Obama his health care plan.
With the elections of 2010, the constitutional balance was righted and he now has to negotiate with Congress to pass legislation. Apparently, “constitutional scholar” that he is he conceives of the separation of powers as nonsense and the role of the Congress is to do whatever it is told to do.
The real issue is that Obama simply doesn’t have a clue about how lead or how to work with people. From his speech:
And my message to Republicans is:  Join us.  Get on board.  If you’re mad at me for helping people on my own, then why don’t you join me and we’ll do it together?  (Applause.)  We’ll do it together.  I’m happy to share the credit.  You’re mad at me for doing some things to raise the minimum wage, let’s pass a law — Republicans and Democrats giving America a raise.
If you’re mad at me for taking executive action to make it easier for women to find out if they’re not getting treated fairly in the workplace, let’s do it together.  You can share the credit.  (Applause.)  You’re worried about me trying to fix a broken immigration system, let’s hold hands and go ahead and make sure that this country continues to be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.  I want to work with you, but you’ve got to give me something.  You’ve got to try to deliver something — anything.  (Applause.)
His idea of cooperation is the GOP doing what he wants. It never crosses his mind that most economists don’t think raising the minimum wage is a good idea. It never occurs to him that many, if not most, people believe the existing legal regime for employers is sufficiently expensive and intrusive without adding more. He can’t understand that immigration is dead not because the GOP doesn’t want to do something but because the GOP does not trust him to enforce the laws that we have in place.
This is piled on top of his outrageous duplicity in Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, Benghazi, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, voting rights enforcement, etc.
While I am generally of the feeling that Speaker Boehner’s pledged lawsuit is more a show for conservatives than a real action, the stated reason for the suit is that Obama has not faithfully enforced the laws of the nation. The hubris that lets a man complain of being sued because he isn’t trustworthy and then turns around and asks his opponents to trust him simply beggars the imagination.
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Liz Cheney: Obama is ‘weakening us intentionally’

The United States and nations around the globe continue to pay the price for President Barack Obama’s wrong-headed “light footprint/lead-from-behind foreign policy.” 
Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, visited the Chris Salcedo Show this weekend. She wanted TheBlaze listeners to know that she and the former vice president have teamed up to start a brand new organization, The Alliance for a Strong America, to counter the effects and propaganda being inflicted on the world by the extremist leftists who now run Washington, D.C. (cue to 1:34:00 for interview).

Liz Cheney described, in frightening detail, the results of Resident Obama’s feckless foreign policy. She pointed out that. Obama ignored the formation of a Jihadi army, an army that now threatens to establish a state dedicated to exporting terror. Using Resident Obama’s own words, Cheney surmised that his inattention to foreign affairs is part of a strategy to “weaken us intentionally.”
As long U.S. foreign policy remains in the hands of those dedicated to seeing America “be taken down a peg,” many will suffer. Cheney laments that the United States has been and will continue to sit on the sideline and fiddle while the world burns. She warns this trend will make us and our allies less secure.
Read more stories from TheBlaze‘Are You Serious?’ Video Shows Professor Thrown to the Ground After Being Stopped for Jaywalking.Nancy Pelosi at the Border: Influx of Illegal Immigrants an ‘Opportunity,’ Not a ‘Crisis’‘If Jesus Christ Was Alive Today…’: Famous Rocker Throws Down About Celibacy, Same-Sex Marriage Among ClergyObama to Seek Over $2 Billion to Address Flood of Illegal Immigrants, Official SaysRaise Your Hand If You Think This Is the Last Billboard Hillary Clinton Wants Her Face Plastered On

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Alexandra Pelosi: Media, Obama admin enabling ‘human trafficking’ at the border

Cracks showing.
The documentary filmmaker and daughter of the House minority leader, Alexandra Pelosi, is promoting a new and heartbreaking documentary about the crisis at the southern border. Pelosi spent weeks speaking with undocumented migrants who have been led to believe that the United States is not only caring for women and children who cross the border […]
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Nice idea.

Gohmert: $1M for lost IRS emails

He proposes a bounty bill for anyone who can recover the missing emails.

Obama overreach smack down

Obama's recess gamble goes bust

The Supreme Court justices all agree that Obama took executive power too far.

Ethanol doesn't help has prices

Big Ethanol: The RFS can help mitigate gas prices! CBO: The RFS is going to cause higher gas prices.

Shut it down.
Well, this is rich. In light of the recent political turmoil in Iraq and the potential for disruption to the global oil supply, Big Ethanol would like you to know that the Renewable Fuel Standard — i.e., the mandate through which the federal government forces you to buy ethanol by forcing U.S. refiners to blend […]
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Insurers Expect a Nearly $1 Billion Bailout under Obamacare

Most Americans don’t think it’s their job to bail out insurance companies who lose money under Obamacare, but that’s exactly what’s poised to happen. Obamacare’s risk-corridor program — which President Obama has been using as a slush fund to placate his insurance allies and keep them quiet about his lawlessness — shifts financial risk from insurers to taxpayers. According to the House Oversight Committee, health insurers expect Obamacare’s risk corridors to net them nearly $1 billion, at taxpayer expense, this year alone.
Obamacare’s risk-corridor program is designed to redistribute money in the Obamacare exchanges, from health insurers who make money to those who lose money. But the Obama administration pressured insurers to set rates as low as possible despite Obamacare’s myriad mandates that have driven actual insurance costs up dramatically. Knowing that the risk-corridor program was in place, insurers willingly played ball with the administration, figuring that even if they lost money, they’d still find money — through this helpful program.  It was a win-win that would boost Obamacare in its early days — to the benefit of those who’ve gained extraordinary power at the expense of Americans’ liberty, and of those whose product has become mandatory for Americans to purchase. 
The Obama administration claims that the risk-corridor program will be budget-neutral — that is, that it won’t cost taxpayers money — and the Congressional Budget Office (taking the administration at its word) has echoed that assessment.  The House Oversight Committee, however, asked 15 insurance companies whether they expected to be paying money into the risk-corridor program this year or taking money out of it.  One company said it expected to be paying money in, 12 said they expected to be taking money out, and two said they expected it to be a wash.  The committee also asked 23 insurance co-ops the same question:  two expected to be paying in, seven expected to be taking out, and 14 expected it to be a wash.  Collectively, these insurers and co-ops expected to take out $725 million more than they expected to put in. Guess who’ll get the tab?
The Oversight Committee estimates that these 15 insurers and 23 co-ops cover roughly 80 percent of those who bought insurance through the Obamacare exchanges.  That still leaves another roughly 20 percent who are covered by other insurers or co-ops.  If those insurers or co-ops are expecting taxpayer handouts at the same rate as the ones who have already shared their expectations with Congress, then that $725 million tab would rise to about $900 million — nearly a billion dollars that would be funneled from taxpayers, through Washington, to insurers.
Recent polling by McLaughlin & Associates for the 2017 Project asked, “If private insurance companies lose money selling health insurance under Obamacare, should taxpayers help cover their losses?” By a tally of 81 to 10 percent, respondents said no. Nor was this a Republican-heavy poll — it included 38 percent Democrats and just 31 percent Republicans.
The House of Representatives has a great opportunity to go after Obamacare’s risk-corridor program.  Then if the Senate fails to follow suit, Harry Reid and company can explain why they think Main Street Americans should help cover the losses of Obama’s insurance-company allies.

Huffington Post Reporter: Democrats Not Offering ‘Inquisitive Questions’ On IRS Scandal

Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein said the Democrats in Congress are not asking “inquisitive questions” about the IRS targeting scandal Friday, choosing to focus instead on the agency’s budget.
On Morning Joe, MSNBC contributor Mark Halperin said that with a Democrat in the White House, “Democrats circle the wagons,” pointing to the late moderate Republican Howard Baker as a throwback to an age where members of Congress would challenge an administration of the same party.
“But Democrats, Sam, are asking questions,” co-host Mika Brzezinski offered.
Stein said Halperin was right, though.
“You look at these oversight hearings, for instance,” he said. “There haven’t been the type of inquisitive questions from the Democratic side of the ledger about exactly what transpired. They’ve been mostly focused on the budgeting for IT at these departments, which is not the same issue.”
Democrats have consistently reviled Republicans for investigating the scandal, which heated up again when the IRS announced it had “lost” two years worth of emails from the woman at the heart of the probe, former tax-exempt chief Lois Lerner.

Clinton Adviser Lanny Davis: Time for Independent Counsel to Investigate IRS Scandal

A former White House counsel during the Clinton administration said Thursday that it’s time for an independent counsel to look into the growing IRS email scandal.  
Lanny Davis, a close adviser to Hillary Clinton and a frequent defender of the Obama Administration, appeared on my morning talk show in Washington, D.C., on WMAL. I asked him to comment on the latest hearings on the lost IRS emails conducted earlier this week in Congress:
If this were a Republican administration I’d be saying when hard drives have been obliterated and this recent Lois Lerner—I think very inappropriate, maybe innocent but completely inappropriate—’maybe we should look at Mr. Grassley’ uh … there’s no Democrat that I know of that wouldn’t be asking a Republican administration to conduct an independent investigation.
I asked Davis if he meant a special prosecutor should be appointed and he argued that a special counsel reporting to the attorney general would be sufficient. “Yes, there ought to be another look at this by somebody that President Obama chooses to appoint who’s independent,” Davis explained, “or at least the Republicans would see as independent.”

Ad: Bishop's Buy-Off

Fresh off the New York state federal primaries, one conservative group is out with a new ad targeting a top Democratically-held seat. American Action Network, which supported New York state senator Lee Zeldin in his successful House Republican primary victory Tuesday, has a new web ad highlighting Democratic House member Tim Bishop's bottle-rocket buy-off.
The ad, which parodies celebrity news show TMZ, focuses on Bishop's securing of a fireworks permit for a wealthy Long Island hedge fund manager's party back in May 2012. But before the permit was secure, Politico reported, Bishop's campaign solicited and received a combined $10,000 donation from the hedge-fund manager and his wife, who had never given to the candidate before. The House Ethics committee is currently investigating 
Watch the ad below:

Bishop faces Zeldin in the general election this November. If elected, Zeldin would become the only Jewish Republican in the House (after the exit of defeated House majority leader Eric Cantor).

Thursday, June 26, 2014

At least some Americans have some common sense.

Poll: 53% Of Americans Don’t Believe In Man-Made Global Warming

'Every step makes a difference'

Supreme Court Holds That Pro-Lifers Have First Amendment Rights Too

In 2007, Massachusetts passed a law that prohibited anyone from knowingly entering or remaining on a “public way or sidewalk adjacent to a reproductive health care facility within a radius of 35 feet of any portion of an entrance, exit, or driveway…” In case it’s not obvious, this law was targeted at “sidewalk counselors” and other pro-life protestors. And Eleanor McCullen is one pro-life protestor who didn’t take the law sitting down.
She and a handful of other pro-lifers who engage in sidewalk counseling by offering information about alternatives to abortion and help pursuing those options, sued in 2008 arguing that the law violated their First Amendment rights. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled in their favor in the case McCullen v. Coakley and struck down the law.
The First Amendment, a bedrock in American constitutional law, prohibits the government from “abridging the freedom of speech.” Yet no right is absolute, and sometimes the government can limit speech, even in public. You can’t blast a bullhorn on a suburban sidewalk at 1 a.m., for example. These types of restrictions are called “time, place, and manner” restrictions, and the Massachusetts law was a time, place and manner restriction as well. It prohibited anyone from entering near abortion clinics during working hours, unless they had business there.
Yet even “time, place and manner” restrictions are constrained by the First Amendment.   These types of restrictions are allowed if they are content-neutral, narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest and leave open alternative channels of communication. Most importantly for Eleanor McCullen, the Supreme Court held today that the Massachusetts abortion buffer zone law was not “narrowly tailored.”
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for a unanimous Court, took Massachusetts at its word the law wasn’t intended to discriminate against speech by pro-lifers. He took it as a given that the law truly was intended to protect the safety of people entering and exiting abortion clinics. Yet to promote “safety,” Massachusetts took what the Court called “the extreme step of closing a substantial portion” of sidewalk “to all speakers.” This was, in the Court’s view, totally unnecessary and unconstitutional.
The case wasn’t a complete victory for pro-life proponents. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a separate concurrence, pointing out that the Massachusetts law actually was targeted at abortion protestors and thus not “content neutral,” contrary to the majority holding. And Justice Samuel Alito also wrote separately to say that it wasn’t even “viewpoint neutral:” “Speech in favor of the clinic and its work by employees and agents is permitted; speech criticizing the clinic and its work is a crime.”
In other words, the Court gave a free pass to the Massachusetts lawyers who claimed that this was all about “safety,” when common sense and the court record suggest a more politicized purpose.  And the Court also failed to overturn Hill v. Colorado, another Supreme Court case that upheld a different abortion clinic buffer zone law.
Ultimately, though, this is a victory for pro-life advocates and for the First Amendment. And it is yet another 9-0 loss for the Obama administration, which weighed in on behalf of the State of Massachusetts.
Further, it puts other states on notice they cannot pass sweeping laws based on narrow justifications—if safety is the concern, pass a law that deals specifically with safety and only with safety. Don’t pass a law that criminalizes the speech of many peaceful, innocent protestors. And in those states that seek to burden sidewalk counselors and other pro-life protesters — there’s the next First Amendment lawsuit waiting to be filed.
The post Supreme Court Holds That Pro-Lifers Have First Amendment Rights Too appeared first on The Daily Signal.

IRS Scandal continues to evolve.

IRS scandal evolving too fast for reporters to ignore

"What’s in the emails that have disappeared?"
A handful of former IRS executive Lois Lerner’s emails released by the House Ways and Means Committee seem to be serving as a Rorschach test for political actors and members of the press alike. For some, the early reaction to those emails revealed more about an individual’s thinking about the IRS scandal, and the Republican-led […]
Read this post »


BREAKING: A Good Day For The Rule of Law

It is not the job of the court system to tell us what is right, or just; to make policy for us or govern our lives. But it is the job of the court system to police the basic rules of the road that keep our various elected officials, administrative agencies and lower courts from exceeding the powers the People, in the Constitution and laws, have entrusted to them. And today was a good day for the rule of law and a bad one for abuses of power:
1. The Supreme Court held 9-0, in an opinion by Justice Breyer, that President Obama abused his recess appointment power by unilaterally appointing members of the NLRB withouut asking the Senate. The Court split 5-4 on exactly how broad the recess-appointments power is, but all agreed that the President cannot just unilaterally claim that the Senate is in recess (for purposes of bypassing it) when the Senate itself (even Harry Reid) says that it is not in recess. That renders many of the NLRB’s acts over a period of years invalid (although proper appointments were eventually made). So much for Obama’s vaunted status as a Constitutional scholar; even his own appointees didn’t buy his nonsense.
Justice Breyer left some wiggle room, however, for future debates over exactly when the Senate is recessed:

Justice Scalia, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas and Alito, would have gone further in scaling back the recess power. Scalia reminds us of a favorite point of his, that separation of powers is the true backbone of Constitutional liberty:

2. The Court also held, in a 9-0 loss for Martha Coakley (now running for Governor of Massachusetts) that Massachusetts abused its power under the First Amendment by a blanket ban on protests within 35 feet of an abortion clinic. As Chief Justice Roberts observed, this ban was so draconian that it prevented women entering the clinic from being exposed to peaceable forms of persuasion:
Petitioners are not protestors. They seek not merely to express their opposition to abo­rtion, but to inform women of various alternatives and to provide help in pursuing them. Petitioners believe that they can accomplish this objective only through personal, caring, consensual conversations. And for good reason: It is easier to ignore a strained voice or a waving hand than a direct greeting or an outstretched arm….Respondents point us to no evidence that individuals regularly gather at other clinics, or at other times in Boston, in sufficiently large groups to obstruct access. For a problem shown to arise only once a week in one city at one clinic, creating 35-foot buffer zones at every clinic across the Common­wealth is hardly a narrowly tailored solution.
Justice Scalia would again have gone further, noting evidence that the buffer zones were deliberately intended to discriminate against pro-life viewpoints:
This is an opinion that has Something for Everyone, and the more significant portion continues the onward march of abortion-speech-only jurisprudence.
3. Meanwhile, the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, by a 6-1 vote struck down former Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Big Soda ban in a challenge brought by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The court concluded that the agency that passed the ban was not entitled to create policy-making legislation (a common feature as well of President Obama’s agencies). A few key excerpts explain why unelected executive agencies (like courts) should not set policy:

Indeed. A good day for a government of laws, not of men.
The post BREAKING: A Good Day For The Rule of Law appeared first on RedState.


Here’s a Crazy Idea: What About Reforming Transportation Spending Instead of Hiking Taxes?

Americans know the drill. When Congress faces a gap between its spending wants and available money, it is quick to ask for more money, instead of fixing the spending side of the budget ledger.
This time it’s Senate Finance Committee chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who has proposed a rag tag group of revenue provisions, including hiking taxes on heavy vehicle use, aimed at filling a hole in Washington’s Highway Trust Fund (HTF). Federal gas and diesel taxes deposited in to the HTF go to pay for road, bridge, transit, and other surface transportation projects in the states.
Yup, you got it: Wyden’s focusing on new ways to collect money – without even mentioning spending reforms.
Conservatives on the committee rightly grumbled at its total lack of spending cuts, and now the committee is going back to the drawing board to try and find more palatable reforms all around.
Wyden isn’t alone: Others in Congress have called for gas tax hikes or bailing out the fund with postal reform revenue. But few have proposed reforming spending out of the HTF. In other words, lawmakers by and large aren’t interested in, changing which programs are eligible for the federal gas and diesel taxes deposited into the HTF.
The HTF was set up to pay for the interstate highway system. That was largely completed decades ago, but past Congresses added a laundry list of newly eligible activities, such as subways, buses, metropolitan planning, bike and walking trails, sidewalks, landscaping, ferry boats and interpretive signage.. These are diversions, pure and simple. Their users, such as transit commuters, bicyclists, and pedestrians, pay nothing into the HTF but benefit from it. And money spent on landscaping and subways is spent at the expense of road and bridge improvement projects that would benefit the motorists and truckers who pay the fuel taxes.
Here’s an idea, Sen.Wyden: End these HTF diversions to parochial activities, which don’t reduce traffic congestion or enhance mobility for motorists. Doing this would free up billions of dollars annually for road and bridge projects which, according to theclaims of some special interests in Washington, are “crumbling.” These claims are exaggerated, but the point remains that the money would be available to make necessary improvements to aging parts of the system and expansions where demand exists.
While you’re at it, Mr. Chairman, how about proposing crucial regulatory reforms that would help the states stretch their transportation dollars further and reduce unnecessary project delays and cost overruns? Start by repealing the Davis-Bacon Act and eliminating duplication in onerous environmental review processes. The states, which are tired of the endless delays and unnecessarily high costs of building a road or a bridge, will thank you.
Wyden’s current proposal is reckless: It relies on 10 years of revenue to pay for six months of transportation spending. Additionally, this plan continues bailing out the HTF, violating the important ‘user pays, user benefits’ principle. That is, motorists pay the fuel taxes and should benefit, not be shortchanged.
Even aside from any merits of this particular proposal, Congress should avoid renewing highway legislation in the lame duck session of Congress. Lawmakers have a tendency to pass shoddy deals for taxpayers during such sessions.
If Congress had to live within the trust fund’s means, it would be forced to set priorities for what is truly a federal responsibility, instead of continuing to take the easy road of making everything a spending priority..
The post Here’s a Crazy Idea: What About Reforming Transportation Spending Instead of Hiking Taxes? appeared first on The Daily Signal.

CNN Panel: Lerner’s Grassley Email Suggests IRS Was On a ‘Political Witch-Hunt’

A CNN panel slammed Lois Lerner for attempting to target Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) with an audit, saying it adds to suspicions that the IRS was on a “political witch-hunt.”
Congressional investigators discovered emails Wednesday between Lois Lerner and another IRS official, where Lerner revealed that she had accidentally been sent an invitation to an event meant for Grassley. The event organizer had offered to pay for Grassley’s wife. Since this was potential inappropriate behavior, Lerner asked her colleague if they could audit him. The colleague told her they could not audit without knowing whether Grassley had even taken the event organizer’s offer.
On CNN’s New Day, Politico’s Manu Raju said this new evidence “Fuels the suspicion that there was actually a political witch-hunt motivated by politics, going after conservative groups, a conservative senator right now, one who’s a very high ranking member of the Finance Committee which oversees the IRS.”
“This does not help her case,” John King observed, “which is already pretty bad to begin with.”
King also said this “Makes it hard for the White House to say ‘This is Republicans trying to make a big partisan issue out of a mistake.’”
Julie Pace added that it also provokes questions surrounding Lois Lerner’s mysteriously missing emails: “If this is something that’s in the emails that we have, what’s in the emails that have disappeared, that don’t exist anymore? And it provides some actual tangible fodder for these hearings that are going to be happening on the Hill.”

PA Family Doctor Faces Huge Obamacare Fines, Despite Attempts to Comply

Pennsylvania family physician Dr. Francis Brescia, Jr. has found himself facing thousands of dollars of fines under Obamacare because of a mandate regarding how he keeps his medical records, even after he made every effort to comply with the law.
Obamacare requires all doctors to keep electronic medical records. For every year a physician fails to keep their records electronically, they are fined. Outside companies typically charge doctors around $50,000 to provide this electronic filing service.
Brescia tried to comply with this mandate, but then the company he had hired to keep his records went bankrupt. Now the government Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is charging him $18,000 for failure to comply.
“I think the Affordable Care Act is really going to eliminate small practices,” Brescia told his local news station. “You’re going to have to join an organization.”

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Obama is a failure

Rush Limbaugh On Worst Economic Drop Since 2009: ‘This Is What I Meant When I Said I Hope He Fails’

'If Barack Obama had been sworn into office and proceeded to do NOTHING, we would be better off'

KURTZ: National media downplaying IRS scandal? - National Archives boss: IRS 'did not follow the law' on lost Lerner emails

White House Misspells Ronald 'Regan'

The White House twice misspelled the name of President Ronald Reagan in an email this evening to reporters. The email was of the president's schedule for tomorrow.
The email, coming from the office of the press secretary, said, "Later in the evening, the President will deliver remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Capital Dinner at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center. This event is open to pre-credentialed media."
Later the email repeated the error:
7:10PM           THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Capitol Dinner
Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center
Open to pre-credentialed media (Final Gather 6:25PM—North Doors of the Palm Room)   

The correct spelling is Ronald Reagan, not "Regan." And the building where the president will speak tomorrow night is the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.
The new White House press secretary is Josh Earnest. Today's his second day on the job. 
Here's the president's complete schedule for tomorrow:
In the morning, the President will meet with Secretary of  Health and Human Services Burwell in the Oval Office; the Vice President will also attend. This meeting is closed press.
Later in the morning, the President and Israeli President Shimon Peres will drop by a meeting with American Jewish community leaders. This meeting in the Roosevelt Room is closed press.  Following this meeting the President will host President Peres for a working lunch in the Cabinet Room; the Vice President will also attend. The lunch is closed press.  Following the lunch, there will be a photojournalist spray in the Oval Office.
Later in the afternoon, the President will welcome Jimmie Johnson and his Hendrick Motorsports team members to the White House to honor his 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship. This event in the East Room is open press.
In the evening, the President will meet with the Senate Democrats on the State Floor; the Vice President will also attend. The meeting is closed press.
Later in the evening, the President will deliver remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Capital Dinner at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center. This event is open to pre-credentialed media.
9:30AM          In-Town Pool Call Time
10:45AM        THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of Health and Human Services Burwell; the Vice President will also attend
Oval Office
Closed Press
11:45AM        THE PRESIDENT and Israeli President Shimon Peres will drop-by a meeting with American Jewish community leaders
The Roosevelt Room
Closed Press
12:20PM        THE PRESIDENT holds a working lunch with Israeli President Shimon Peres; the Vice President will also attend
The Cabinet Room
Closed Press
1:25PM           THE PRESIDENT meets with Israeli President Shimon Peres
Oval Office
Photojournalist Spray at the Top (Gather Time 1:15PM – Brady Press Briefing Room)
2:55PM           THE PRESIDENT welcomes Jimmie Johnson and the Hendrick Motorsports team members to the White House to honor their 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship
The East Room
Open Press (Pre-Set 1:30PM; Final Gather 2:30PM—North Doors of the Palm Room)   
5:00PM           THE PRESIDENT meets with the Senate Democrats; the Vice President will also attend
                        The State Floor
                        Closed Press
7:10PM           THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Capitol Dinner
Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center
Open to pre-credentialed media (Final Gather 6:25PM—North Doors of the Palm Room)   
Briefing Schedule
12:45PM         Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

Cheney: Obama Hasn’t Decimated al Qaeda, He’s Decimated U.S. Defense

Former Vice President Dick Cheney continued his criticism of the Obama administration’s foreign policy Tuesday on Hannity, disagreeing with the idea that Obama had no responsibility for Iraq’s current crisis.

Cheney cited the RAND Corporation’s study revealing a “58-percent increase in the number of jihadist groups, a doubling of jihadist fighters and a tripling of attacks by al Qaeda affiliate” since 2010.
“Partly, I think it’s important to understand this isn’t just about Iraq,” Cheney said. “It’s part of a much larger problem … It’s not just about Iraq. It’s the fact that now Iraq and Syria are both potential trouble spots, and as we see this proliferation of terrorists, we’ve also at the same time had an administration that didn’t want to recognize there was a problem. They like to say, ‘We got bin Laden, problem solved,’ or ‘We decimated al Qaeda.’ What they’ve decimated is the U.S. Defense Department.”

An Intellectually Honest Media Would Ask This Question

Ignore, for a minute, the IRS targeting of conservative groups and the erasure of seven hard drives at the IRS. Yes, ignore all that for a moment.
While the media is doing its best to avoid that subject, with difficulty, it is absolutely and willfully ignoring another IRS scandal that, had it happened in the Bush Administration, would be the lead story of every nightly newscast and above the fold on the front page of every newspaper in America.
We now know that some person or persons at the IRS intentionally and maliciously leaked confidential tax records of a non-profit organization so that gay rights activists could target the donors of the organization for harassment. We know this from the emails of the gay rights activist who obtained the records through, what he described, as “a conduit” from the IRS. He then sent the data to the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign, which then put the records online. The records contained the names and addresses of donors to the National Organization for Marriage. The IRS is not only seemingly targeting conservative groups, but is now admitting to leaking information about a conservative group so others can target their donors.
Yes, the IRS is admitting someone at the IRS did this and is paying the legal fees of the National Organization for Marriage as a result.
The gay rights activist who received and disseminated the information, Matthew Meisel, “invoked his fifth amendment right not to incriminate himself” and he would not identify his conduit.
This all raises a question an honest media would ask: why has Eric Holder refused to investigate and prosecute this?
The American media will not ask this question because the National Organization for Marriage opposes gay marriage. The donors to the group, in the media’s mind, are bigots. To the American media they deserve no protection. They are oppressors.
But an honest media that believed in equal justice under the law would have to ask the question — why will the Justice Department not investigate and prosecute those within the IRS who leaked confidential tax records to political opponents of the group.
Must we wait until a Republican administration does this?
It seems we need more than one special prosecutor to investigate the IRS and Darryl Issa should be holding hearings on this matter. The IRS is not only seemingly targeting conservative groups, but is leaking information about conservative groups so others can target their donors.
The post An Intellectually Honest Media Would Ask This Question appeared first on RedState.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Next front in banned sports team names: Los Angeles Angels and New Orleans Saints?

With a government agency invalidating the Washington Redskins trademark, and certain cable news hosts refusing to say the name, there has been speculation about what will be next when it comes to banned sports team names.
SE Cupp thinks she has the answer: “The next front of this will come from my people: atheists,” she said on her TheBlaze Radio show “Cain and Cupp” Saturday morning. “You can take your Angels back, you can take your Padres back, you can take your Saints back.”
Cupp continued: “I’ll never understand atheists who become such joiners, and so militant and organized. That’s one of the appealing parts of being an atheist to me, I’m not part of a group, a club, of people who believe in the same thing, and I’m not angry about something.”
Her co-host, Will Cain, summed it up: “There’s such a societal yearning to be a victim, to run to victimhood, to cloak yourself in offense. It’s such a trend to be offended.”
This conversation starts at the 48-minute mark. (Also discussed: what should happen in Iraq, male insecurities and parenting advice:)

What do you think – will atheists look to ban religious-themed sports mascots and team names? What will be the NEXT front in banning of sports team names?
Read more stories from TheBlazeGlenn Beck Says This May Be the Hardest Thing He’s Ever Had to Ask of His AudienceTerrifying Video Allegedly Shows Effects of Young Woman’s Use of a Ouija BoardTrey Gowdy Goes Off on IRS Commish for Claiming No Criminal Actions at IRS: ‘You Don’t Even Know What Statutes Are at Play’Christian Radio Host Arrested and Charged in Shocking Child Sex InvestigationIssa’s Turn with the IRS: ‘I’ve Lost My Patience with You’

Obama's Foreign Policy Explained

This clip explains, better than countless learned articles could, the essence of Obama's foreign policy. He's got a "four-stage strategy:"

Democratic Candidate for Governor Sued for Paying Women Less than Men

Democratic candidate for New Mexico governor Gary King has battled numerous claims that female attorneys were paid less than their male counterparts in his attorney general’s office, and said three women suing him had “average capabilities.”
After his campaign manager was forced to resign last week following the Washington Free Beacon’s report on his past offensive tweets towards women, King is facing fresh attacks regarding his own history and comments regarding women’s issues. Gov. Susana Martinez’s (R.) reelection campaign released a new ad on Thursday calling King’s record on equal pay for women “troubling.”
King was sued multiple times for allegations that he paid male attorneys with less experience more than women in 2010. King ultimately settled lawsuits with three of the four women who brought cases against him, and one case was thrown out.
During the legal battle, King said three women who sued him were envious and that they were “attorneys of average capabilities.”
“In my opinion, it appears that envy of the pay scales of other attorneys in the [attorney general’s office] who have greater and/or more specialized skills have caused the complainants to try to shortcut the process of obtaining salary increases by substituting a baseless claim of discrimination for the most certain way to advance in my administration, that is to work hard, be competent, and take the opportunities we offer to improve skills,” he said, in a written statement for the lawsuit in 2011.
However, King gave the women a 5 percent pay raise following a meeting with them, though the lawsuit carried forward since they claimed they were still making less. Melanie Carver, an assistant attorney general who had 25 years experience, said she was paid less than six male attorneys who had less experience.
King ultimately settled with two of the women, awarding them a total of $31,500, and agreeing to conduct a pay-equity study within the attorney general’s office and adopt a policy to prevent gender-based inequity. King’s spokesman said the settlement was not an admission of guilt, but an attempt to “save taxpayers the cost of further litigation.”
A separate lawsuit filed in 2010 claimed King fired a woman because of her age and gender, and that she was paid less than men in the office. After being fired in 2008, the woman, Deborah DeMack, said a younger male attorney who had less legal experience replaced her.
King’s office was forced to pay DeMack $46,558 last year after they failed to comply with the Public Records Act and hand over documents relevant to her case. DeMack also received $5,000 as part of a settlement for agreeing to dismiss the discrimination lawsuit, she said.
King recently released a campaign ad promising to “demand gender pay equity,” drawing criticism from Martinez.
“Gary King has foolishly chosen to copy and paste talking points straight out of the Democratic national playbook while completely ignoring that he has a shameful record when it comes to equal pay for women,” said Chris Sanchez, spokesman for the Martinez campaign, in a statement announcing a new ad challenging King’s record. “New Mexicans will not be fooled by Gary King’s attempt to rewrite history.”
Request for comment from the King campaign were not returned by publication of this story.

Sharyl Attkisson: Obama administration ‘has perfected the stall, the delay, the redaction, the excuses’

(Image Source: Twitter)
Former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the award-winning journalist who famously left the network in March 2014 over frustration with its liberal bias and hostile environment for investigative news – recently appeared on C-SPAN to discuss her forthcoming book, “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington” (out November 4, 2014).
During the interview, Attkisson lambasted the Obama administration on its opacity, asserting in response to a clip from the president’s second day in office in which he promised transparency that President Obama deserves a grade of ”an F…I think my colleagues in journalism would give a similar grade whether they’re liberal or conservative.”
Attkisson added that as to the obfuscatory tactics of the Obama White House:
“This administration has perfected the stall, the delay, the redaction, the excuses.”
Expanding on this critical view of the administration’s record on transparency and freedom of information, Attkisson argued that the administration has a tendency to withhold information until a story is no longer newsworthy. She also expressed concern about the increasing need under the Obama administration for journalists to file lawsuits to obtain public information.
The interview more broadly focused on two interconnected problems: 1) The unwillingness of the mainstream media to criticize the political and corporate elite, and to doggedly pursue truth, and 2) The opacity of the Obama administration.
C-SPAN host Brian Lamb interviews Sharyl Attkisson. (Image Source: C-SPAN screengrab)
Attkisson laments the decline of investigative reporting and the difficulty in producing critical content in mainstream media these days:
“I think over all, not just at CBS but according to my colleagues in print and broadcast and elsewhere, there’s been a declining appetite for investigative reporting. It’s gotten harder and harder. Not just political reporting, which is really not my favorite kind to do, but any kind of reporting that goes after the powers that be. There are such organized, well financed efforts that go after the reporters and reports before, during, and after they’re being crafted. It’s a lot of trouble.”
She cites the financial and political connections between media outlets and subjects of investigation as a primary reason for this declining appetite:
“I think there are financial connections between people that we may do stories on and the networks and entities we work for. I think there are political connections sometimes. There’s a complex web of factors that have come together in a perfect storm. That has led to this declining appetite for investigative reporting. All the investigative reporters from CBS News are gone.”
While Attkisson made it clear that journalists have always faced challenges in producing hard-hitting, investigative political content, these challenges have become especially pronounced  during the Obama administration:
“Journalists by and large — and I’m talking about journalists in the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS — agree this is the worst administration we’ve worked for in terms of transparency and trying to hold the powers that be accountable. Journalists have banded together and written letters to the White House expressing this thought. There has been the spying, snooping scandals…[and] journalist[s] [have] banded together and written objections to this administration and specifically said this is the worst atmosphere that we’ve faced.”
Notably, on the hot-button issue, Attkisson expressed continuing skepticism regarding the lack of information on Benghazi, asserting that by implication, the Obama administration is covering up key information related to the attack:
“For Benghazi, I’m just still surprised this much after the fact that we have no answers to the timeline or generally what the commander in chief did while Americans were under attack on foreign soil. The Egyptian attack happened and the Benghazi attack happened, and they fully expected other embassies could have been going up in the middle east. We have no idea what the commander in chief was doing. I think that’s a basic question they would have answered if there was something positive to say about it. So it leaves you as a journalist to assume there’s something they don’t want you to know since they aren’t telling you.”
You can watch the full interview below.

Read more stories from TheBlazeGlenn Beck Says This May Be the Hardest Thing He’s Ever Had to Ask of His AudienceTerrifying Video Allegedly Shows Effects of Young Woman’s Use of a Ouija BoardTrey Gowdy Goes Off on IRS Commish for Claiming No Criminal Actions at IRS: ‘You Don’t Even Know What Statutes Are at Play’Christian Radio Host Arrested and Charged in Shocking Child Sex InvestigationIssa’s Turn with the IRS: ‘I’ve Lost My Patience with You’

National Archives boss: IRS ‘did not follow the law’ on lost Lerner emails

(Fox News) – The top U.S. official in charge of archiving federal records testified Tuesday that the IRS ran afoul of the law by neglecting to tell his office that a trove of emails from the woman at the center of the targeting scandal disappeared after an apparent hard drive crash.
Archivist of the U.S. David Ferriero, speaking before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, made clear that federal agencies are supposed to report whenever their records are destroyed or even accidentally deleted. But he said that after emails from embattled IRS official Lois Lerner vanished after a computer failure in 2011, nobody told the National Archives.
“They did not follow the law,” Ferriero said.
The testimony comes as lawmakers dig for answers as to how Lerner’s emails disappeared and why they only found out about it earlier this month. Lerner herself twice has refused to answer questions before Congress, leaving lawmakers seeking answers from other officials who interacted with her or were involved in reviewing her documents.
Also on the witness panel was White House attorney Jennifer O’Connor, whom Chairman Darrell Issa compelled to testify via subpoena.
Republican lawmakers, though, struggled to get answers from O’Connor, who previously worked at the IRS, about the emails. She said she only found out the “week before last” that emails were gone.
“I didn’t hear that any of Ms. Lerner’s emails were missing,” she said.
The hearing, like several recent sessions on the IRS targeting scandal, was tense from the start.
At the beginning of the hearing, Issa accused O’Connor of being a “hostile witness” when she did not immediately answer one of his questions.
“I’m not a hostile witness,” she retorted.
“Yes, you are,” Issa said. He later clarified to say she is “non-cooperative.”
O’Connor was brought before the committee because of her work with the IRS in the latter half of 2013, when she was brought on to help the agency respond to congressional requests for documents pertaining to the IRS targeting scandal.
Her appearance itself was controversial. The White House initially blocked her from appearing. Issa then issued a subpoena late Monday, and the White House reversed course, making her available to testify.
Republicans say the White House has not been helpful in efforts to investigate the IRS scandal. “They haven’t done a damn thing to get to the truth of what happened,” House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday.
But as for O’Connor’s treatment, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., Issa’s Democratic counterpart on the committee, blasted the chairman for the “unilateral subpoena.”
“Why is she here?” Cummings asked. “It’s not because of her old job — it’s because of her new one.”
The hearing was held on the heels of a Monday night hearing before the same committee, where IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified and faced heated questions from lawmakers.
At that hearing, Issa told Kosninen: “We have a problem with you and you have a problem with credibility.”
Koskinen appeared at the rare evening session to answer questions about the lost emails from Lerner, a key figure in the committee’s probe into the agency’s targeting of conservative groups. The agency claims the emails were lost in a 2011 computer crash.
In a heated back-and-forth with Issa, Koskinen said he had fulfilled his promise to the committee to provide it with all of Lerner’s emails and that there was no way to recover ones the agency said were lost in 2011.
“If you have a magical way for me to do that, I’d be happy to hear about it,” Koskinen sarcastically told Issa.
“I’ve lost my patience with you,” Issa shot back.
The post National Archives boss: IRS ‘did not follow the law’ on lost Lerner emails appeared first on Tea Party.

IRS Admits Wrongdoing, to Pay $50,000 in Leaking of Marriage Group’s Tax Return

(Daily Signal) – Two years after activists for same-sex marriage obtained the confidential tax return and donor list of a national group opposed to redefining marriage, the Internal Revenue Service has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to settle the resulting lawsuit.
The Daily Signal has learned that, under a consent judgment today, the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to the National Organization for Marriage as a result of the unlawful release of the confidential information to a gay rights group, the Human Rights Campaign, that is NOM’s chief political rival.
“Congress made the disclosure of confidential tax return information a serious matter for a reason,” NOM Chairman John D. Eastman told The Daily Signal. “We’re delighted that the IRS has now been held accountable for the illegal disclosure of our list of major donors from our tax return.”
SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.
The Daily Signal is seeking comment on the settlement  from the IRS and Justice Department.
In his order entered this morning, District Judge James C. Cacheris granted the settlement of NOM’s suit against the IRS, which was represented by the Department of Justice.
In February 2012, the Human Rights Campaign posted on its web site NOM’s 2008 tax return and the names and contact information of the marriage group’s major donors, including soon-to-be Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. That information then was published by the Huffington Post and other liberal-leaning news sites.
HRC’s president at the time, Joe Solmonese, was tapped that same month as a national co-chairman of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.
Eastman said an investigation in the civil lawsuit determined that someone gave NOM’s tax return and list of major donors to Boston-based gay rights activist Matthew Meisel. Email correspondence from Meisel revealed that he told a colleague of “a conduit” to obtain the marriage group’s confidential information.
Testifying under oath in a deposition as part of the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Meisel invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself and declined to disclose the identity of his “conduit.”
To get at that fact, Eastman said, the National Organization for Marriage  has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to grant immunity from prosecution to Meisel.
The $50,000 to be paid by the IRS represents actual damages NOM incurred responding to the illegal disclosure, not punitive damages,  since the marriage group was unable to prove disclosure of the confidential records was deliberate after Meisel took the fifth.
Meisel provided the marriage group’s tax data to the Human Rights Campaign, documents found as part of the investigation show. HRC is among organizations and activists advocating same-sex marriage that routinely describe NOM as a “hate group” or “anti-gay” for making the case for preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
“We urge other groups that have suffered similar problems with the IRS to keep pressing until they, too, are fully vindicated,” Eastman said.
Eastman was referring to ongoing congressional probes and lawsuits over IRS targeting of tea party and other conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status.
In a draft press release on the settlement and admission by the IRS of wrongdoing, Eastman said:
It has been a long and arduous process to hold the IRS accountable for their illegal release of our confidential tax return and donor list, which was ultimately given to our chief political rival by the recipient. In the beginning, the government claimed that the IRS had done nothing wrong and that NOM itself must have released our confidential information. Thanks to a lot of hard work, we’ve forced the IRS to admit that they in fact were the ones to break the law and wrongfully released this confidential information.
Eastman, a lawyer and law professor, also is a member of the ActRight Legal Foundation team that brought the lawsuit against the federal government and the IRS on NOM’s behalf in October 2013. He said at the time that the Human Rights Campaign removed “redaction layers” from the electronic documents showing they originated at the IRS.
In May 2012, Eastman and NOM President Brian Brown asked the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute the case. Eastman appeared last June before the House Committee on Ways and Means to testify about the illegal disclosure o the marriage group’s donors.
Unauthorized disclosure of confidential tax information is a felony offense that can result in five years in prison, but the Department of Justice did not bring criminal charges.
“We urge the Congress to explore this issue with the appropriate government officials,” Eastman said. “It’s imperative that all those who have engaged in corrupt practices and illegal acts in the IRS be identified and held accountable.”
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So What If Goldman-Sachs Just “Lost” 7 Hard Drives Athwart A Major Investigation?

In Case The IRS Was Wondering…

“..we know that not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less..”-George Will. (HT:Doug Ross)
I’m not terribly sure of George Will’s theology here, but he does make a point that can be roughly supported regarding the probability of 7 simultaneous and convenient hard drive failures. Assuming a 2 to 3 year life for a hard drive, the monthly likelihood of 1 drive failing is 1 in 24 to 1 in 36. The likelihood that 7 specific hard drives fail, without the aid of a bludgeon and a vat of battery acid, would be equal to somewhere between (1/24)^7 to (1/36)^7.* That equals 0.000000022% to 1.27609349443829E-09%. When the probabilistic likelihood of an event crucial to someone’s explanation of an unpleasant circumstance hovers between 0.22 in a Billion and 1 in a Trillion of actually having happened a certain skepticism would be the hallmark of an open and functional mind.
So yea, verily, I know, you know, CNN knows, Woodward and Bernstein and anyone else with a viable pulse all know good and well that the IRS is lying through its vampire fangs. So what is anyone going to do about it? Before answering this question, let’s address another one. If Goldman-Sachs were being investigated for mortgage security fraud that potentially contributed to vast financial harm accruing to people during a massive housing crash, then what would you want to see happen to Lloyd Blankfein? If you’d like to re-read some of your H.P. Lovecraft horror novels and get back to me with a more inspired imagination, I could totally understand.
So here’s the basic state of play here. The IRS is lying, the media knows the IRS is lying, any registered Democrat with an IQ greater than 16 knows the IRS is lying and yet, barring a massive transfer of power to the GOP during next Fall’s Midterm Election, there will not be Jack done about this intolerable and blatant dishonesty. Government exists to bribe and b*llsh*t the governed. The United States is increasingly like the Town of Poisonville in Daschle Hammet’s novel Red Harvest. As long as the fat envelopes get passed out to just enough of the people, ethics and decency do not even matter. There’s no secret cover-up. These people are open, disrespectful and blatant in their flagrant disrespect for the law except when it can be weaponized against their political opponents.
If anyone in current coup government in DC cared about revealing what was on those hard drives; the data would be available in two weeks flat. The American Orwell State can tap into any cell phone that isn’t a temporary burner bought at Wal-Mart and replaced within a couple of days via the NSA. Anything you put on a social network can go straight from “Do No Evil” Google to the hands of the Central Scrutinizer. The IRS is training para-military SWAT teams to collect back taxes with AR-15s. Even if, mirabile dictu, all seven of the hard drives containing what Al Gore would undoubtedly describe as “inconvenient truth” were to crash and burn, any data contained thereupon would be rapidly recoverable in anyone with real power here wanted it found. If this were Goldman-Sachs, the Federal Government would be waterboarding investment bankers in their $2,000 business suits and ripping off fingernails to get to this data.
*If you’re not mathematically inclined, that would equal somewhere on the continuum of “not bloody likely” to “fuggedabowdit!”
The post So What If Goldman-Sachs Just “Lost” 7 Hard Drives Athwart A Major Investigation? appeared first on RedState.

Obamacare Exchanges Are ‘Disappointing’ With Fewer Than 4 Million Newly Insured. The Government Hoped for 26 Million.

In April, President Obama told the nation that “marketplace” or “exchange” enrollment, at 8 million customers as of March 31, had exceeded expectations and costs were lower than expected.
Many in the news media accepted the selectively released statistics, despite the Obama administration’s record of sometimes providing inaccurate or incomplete information on Even today, the government continues to withhold relevant public information on costs and enrollment requested by Congress and the press under the Freedom of Information Act.
Why did the media accept inaccurate or incomplete information on Obamacare enrollment?
In fact, the measure of the Affordable Care Act’s success rests neither with individual anecdotes nor in the Obama administration’s self-assessments. It’s a long-term process that many analysts say will take years to unfold.
One thing that’s not in question: The insurance industry already has been largely transformed.
An enrollment drive for Obamacare. (Photo: Xizi Cecilia Hua)
Many who were considered uninsurable now have affordable policies. But the Affordable Care Act has shifted the cost burden for those who already had insurance. More policies now have bigger deductibles and cost more.
“In general, healthy people are paying more and unhealthy people are paying less,” says a source who supports and helped implement Obamacare but is disappointed with the results to date, “with those above-average [income] tending to pay more and those below-average [income] tending to pay less.”
“Is the new law effective in reducing the number of uninsured? Yes, but so far not very,” he says.
Key questions include:

How many actually have enrolled?
How many of those were previously uninsured?
How has Obamacare affected the overall pool of uninsured?
What percentage of eligible people have signed up?
What’s the cost?

Enrollment: Less Than Advertised
The administration hasn’t released any enrollment figures in the last 2 ½ months, and a spokesman from the government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which helps oversee Obamacare, said the agency is not likely to issue any updates soon.
President Obama speaks about the Affordable Care Act with Vice President Joe Biden in the Rose Garden at the White House on April 1, 2014. (Photo: Nicholas Kamm/Getty/Newscom)
As of March 31, according to the Obama administration, 8 million people signed up for private insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace, exceeding its target of 7 million.
‘Healthy people are paying more and unhealthy people are paying less.’
“The Affordable Care Act is working,” said an April 17 White House fact sheet. “It is giving millions of middle class Americans the health care security they deserve, it is slowing the growth of health care costs and it has brought transparency and competition to the Health Insurance Marketplace.”
But the 8 million figure is overstated because it counted people who weren’t actually covered because they hadn’t paid their premiums, which Blue Cross, analysts and the government agree is in the 15 percent to 20 percent range.
Therefore, the actual number of Obamacare enrollees as of March 31 was likely between 6.4 million and 6.8 million, below both the administration’s figure of 8 million and its stated target of 7 million.
Obamacare enrollment wasn’t 8 million because up to 20 percent didn’t pay their premiums.
Nobody from the White House responded to repeated requests for comment. A spokesman for CMS said there were no plans to release figures on paid enrollment, even though health policy analyst Robert Laszewski says the administration could provide the number in days or even hours if it wanted to.
Last week, Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, led by Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, released a fact sheet using data from 13 insurance companies that said actual health exchange enrollments exceeded insurance company projections by 4 percent.
“This result was achieved despite significant challenges with federal and state websites,” said Cummings.
Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. (Photo: Jeff Malet Photography/Newscom)
Previously Uninsured
Jackie Berman is one of Obamacare’s success stories. She had no insurance until came online. According to the government’s Facebook page touting positive stories, Berman, a special education teacher in Chicago, was left uninsurable by a car accident. Today, she is receiving federal subsidies to help her buy insurance through the health insurance marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act.
But how many new marketplace enrollees were uninsured like Berman? And how many were simply re-insuring after being bumped off their existing plans by Obamacare?
The government touts Jackie Berman as an Obamacare success story. (Photo: Get Covered Illinois)
Estimates of how many marketplace enrollees were previously uninsured range from about one-third to more than half, depending on the survey and the methods used.
A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 43 percent of those who purchased insurance through the marketplace already had insurance; 57 percent are newly insured.
“The enrollment figures for marketplace coverage will grow over time, assuming that the exchange insurance plans don’t fail as a result of adverse selection,” said the source who supports and helped implement Obamacare. “But the impact on reducing the uninsured so far is very disappointing.”
The Kaiser numbers are not what the Obama administration hoped for, but they are better than other estimates. One reason for the difference is how the surveys define “previously uninsured.” Kaiser considered Americans previously uninsured even if they recently had insurance, just not when they signed up on Other surveys excluded those from the “previously uninsured” category if they had insurance at any time during the prior year.
‘The impact on reducing the uninsured so far is very disappointing.’
Laszewski said he believes about half the new enrollees were previously uninsured and many others had insurance but were shifted into the exchanges because of changes caused by Obamacare.
Those changes meant the plan offered by Virginia Beach business owner Betsy Atkinson did not meet Obamacare’s requirements, which she says left her with no choice but to drop her company’s insurance.
Virginia Beach business owner Betsy Atkinson dropped her company’s insurance. (Photo: CBS This Morning via YouTube)
Another number falls short as well. The source who supports and helped implement Obamacare said about 38 million uninsured are eligible for Obamacare and “all of them should be interested in obtaining it.”
Assuming the most positive estimates—that 85 percent of the 8 million enrollees have paid their premiums and 43 percent had coverage before—the newly insured would number only about 3.9 million. By this time, CBO had projected 19 million would have been removed from the ranks of the uninsured, and CMS predicted 26 million.

Fewer than 4 million newly insured “doesn’t put much of a dent in the problem,” said the source.
Many enrollees were gained due to “coverage substitution,” according to health care policy expert Edmund Haislmaier of The Heritage Foundation, which publishes The Daily Signal.
Haislmaier, who testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform earlier this month, said this means that people who had insurance then substituted what they had for new coverage with more in the way of subsidy dollars.
“If you’ve got coverage now and a government program offers a replacement with more subsidies, then you’re going to have an incentive to move to that,” Haislmaier explains. “No doubt it helps people by helping them buy something that they already had. … But it isn’t a net increase.”
Meanwhile, some who were forced out of their existing coverage but not eligible for subsidies found themselves having to re-enroll at much higher rates than before, said Laszewski.
“It was not uncommon to see [insurers] increase their [rates] by 35 percent to bring policies into compliance with Obamacare,” Laszewski said. “So, they have the same relatively healthy people with perhaps more benefits but for 35 percent more premium. That may be good news for the insurance companies but not for the individuals who are forced to pay more than a third more.”
Reduction in Uninsured
By all credible accounts, Obamacare has resulted in a reduction in the number of people who are uninsured.
The story of Lou Vincent of Akron, Ohio, is held out by the Obama administration as an example of the positive impact. He suffers from Type 2 diabetes and went uninsured for 10 years until Obamacare. Now, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, he and his wife are covered for $379 a month.
It’s unclear how much of the drop in uninsured Americans can be credited to Obamacare.
Research from RAND Corp. shows 9.3 million more people had insurance in March 2014 than did in September 2013, and a recent Gallup poll puts the uninsured rate at its lowest level since 2008. The percentage of adults who don’t have insurance has dropped from 20.5 percent to 15.8 percent in the last year.
But it’s unclear how much of the drop can be credited to Obamacare and how much to other factors, such as changes to Medicaid enrollment. RAND’s study and another from theUrban Institute Health Policy Center both found fewer than half of the newly-insured gained coverage through the Obamacare exchanges.
Co-Op Enrollment
At the state level, enrollment at state health insurance co-ops created under the Affordable Care Act is reported to be about 80 percent of what was expected for 2014.
According to statistics released this month by the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, 450,000 people signed up with the co-ops compared to original projections of about 575,000 for this year. Because the co-ops received federal loans, the committee was able to calculate how much in federal funding it has cost so far for each co-op enrollee.
Taxpayers stand to lose 43 percent of the money loaned out to two dozen co-ops.
The best performer from the standpoint of federal loan cost-per-enrollee is CoOportunity Health, which serves Iowa and Nebraska. It received $112.6 million in federal loans and reports signing up 76,881 enrollees as of May 1, at a cost of $1,464 in federal funding per enrollee so far.
Tennessee’s health insurance co-op, Community Health Alliance Mutual Insurance Co., reported just 354 enrollees as of April 1 at a cost of $207,081 in federal funding per enrollee, according to the committee. The co-op received a total of $73.3 million dollars in loans under the Affordable Care Act.
A rally for Obamacare in Memphis. (Photo: Jim Weber/ZUMA Press/Newscom)
For the low performers, Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who leads the oversight panel, says there’s a question as to whether co-ops will be able to pay back the taxpayer loans. In its 2013 budget statement, the Office of Management and Budget projected taxpayers would lose 43 percent of the money loaned out, or $860 million of a $2 billion investment offered to two dozen co-ops.
Medicaid Enrollment
To date, it’s been the dramatic expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act that has reduced the ranks of the uninsured far more than the exchanges or Medicaid, state-provided health insurance for the poor, is now available to those who earn up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line.
An uninsured woman at a low-cost clinic run by the Rocky Mountain Youth Clinics in Aurora, Colo. (Photo: John Moore/Getty Images)
CMS estimates Medicaid will get 8.6 million new enrollees in 2014, thanks to Obamacare. Twenty-six states have expanded Medicaid, but if all did, spending by states would increase 26 percent—or $952 billion—from 2013 to 2022.
Where will the money come from to fund such an expansion? The federal government is paying 100 percent of the Medicaid extra benefit cost for the first three years. Then, 10 percent of the cost will transfer gradually back to the states, which already are under tremendous budget pressure.
“State budgets are horrible. The federal budget is horrible. There’s pressure to reduce anywhere you can—but we’re just expanding,” says the inside source. “How the state and federal budgets will react to this dilemma remains to be seen.”
Overall Cost
The White House released a fact sheet in April that credited the Affordable Care Act for the fact that “health care costs are growing at the slowest level on record.”
“Since the law passed, real per capita health care spending is estimated to have grown at the lowest rate on record for any three-year period and less than one-third the long-term historical average stretching back to 1960,” it said.
Obamacare is estimated to increase federal spending by $1.383 trillion over 10 years.
But what the fact sheet did not point out, as a source told The Daily Signal, was that this “remarkable situation was also the case in 2008 and 2009, before the ACA was enacted. It’s highly misleading to imply that it results from the ACA. Most experts attribute most of the slower cost growth to the Great Recession and weak economic growth since then.”
The White House fact sheet also pointed out the Congressional Budget Office “projects the deficit will shrink more and premiums will be lower than expected: CBO previously estimated that the ACA will reduce the deficit by $1.7 trillion over two decades, and, just this week, CBO concluded that lower-than-expected Marketplace premiums and other recent developments will cut $104 billion from our deficit over the next 10 years.”
An Obamacare supporter, right, talks with a student about the health care law at Santa Monica City College in California last October. (Photo: Robyn Beck/Getty Images/Newscom)
But it neglects to mention that the coverage expansions in the ACA are still estimated to increase federal spending by $1.383 trillion over this same period.
At this point, the CBO figuratively threw its hands in the air and stated that it no longer can figure the overall financial impact of the Affordable Care Act because it no longer can “determine exactly how the provisions of the ACA that are not related to the expansion of health insurance coverage have affected their projections of direct spending and revenues.”
That’s a big blow to the ability to track actual Obamacare effects on the federal budget and compare them to the original CBO estimate in 2010 that the health care law would reduce the deficit by more than $120 billion over a decade.
Future Premium Increases
What will next year’s insurance rates be?
Avalere, a health care advisory group, looked at nine states and found premium increases this year of 2.5 percent to 16 percent.
Laszewski, whose predictions have proven uncannily accurate, estimates the average cost of premiums for Americans will go up 9.9 percent next year, or just under the threshold that triggers a regulatory review under federal guidelines. He said insurers will not have adequate claims data by the time 2015 rates are due at the end of this week, so they will push rate increases to near the limit.
By the numbers: 51% of Americans disapprove of Obamacare; only 43% approve.
Today, Americans’ satisfaction with the Affordable Care Act is mixed. A recent Gallup survey found 51 percent of respondents disapprove of the health care law. Only 43 percent approve.
“A lot of dissatisfaction is being communicated from consumers to insurance company call centers and their agents about the new health insurance plans, particularly compared to the plans people are used to,” said Laszewski.
Kelli Tremblay, an agent with BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina, works a station at Concord Mills. (Photo: Jeff Siner/Charlotte Observer/MCT)
Still, millions who previously had no insurance now are covered. Some are eligible for coverage they weren’t before, some became eligible for taxpayer subsidies for the first time and still others, many of them uninsurable before, shopped and found a better plan.
On the other hand, millions got booted off of policies they said they liked for ones that they like less—that often cost more. And the resulting reduction in the number of uninsured to date is modest at best.
“This,” says Laszewski, “is going to take years to play out.”
This special feature was produced exclusively for The Daily Signal.
The post Obamacare Exchanges Are ‘Disappointing’ With Fewer Than 4 Million Newly Insured. The Government Hoped for 26 Million. appeared first on The Daily Signal.