Sunday, June 22, 2014

Report: IRS Used Private Company to Back Up Emails

The IRS reportedly used a private company to back up emails, a new report claims. The company is called Sonasoft, which boasts, "Email Archiving Done Right."
"The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to, which lists the contract as being for 'automatic data processing services.' Sonasoft's motto is 'email archiving done right,' and the company lists the IRS as a customer," Reason magazine reports.
Reason points to this tweet Sonasoft published in 2009:The exact services Sonasoft might have provided the IRS are not exactly clear. "The extent and exact details of the service that Sonasoft provided to the IRS aren't clear. But the company advertises its email archiving solution as 'ideal for small and medium businesses, government agencies, school districts, nonprofit organizations using Microsoft’s Exchange Server.'"
But the existence of a contract between the IRS and Sonasoft is relevant now that the IRS has claimed to have lost the emails Lois Lerner sent in a two year time period.

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