Monday, July 21, 2014

Congressman Tweets an Obama Failure Every Half Hour; Up to 85 and Counting

(Red Alert Politics) – Rep. Trent Franks from Arizona must have woken up Wednesday with a lot on his mind. Luckily in times like that, Twitter is always there for you.
Franks took to his official Twitter page to begin a list of #ObamaFailures. Every 30 minutes he tweets another failure to add to the list and will continue to do so until they are “100 percent listed.”
“Unfortunately, as Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee in Congress, I have seen this President abrogate his duty and sworn oath to the Constitution in nearly every conceivable way — and in a few inconceivable ways,” Franks said in a statement to Red Alert Politics. “The average American wouldn’t even have time to listen to a list of every failed policy and scandal if I were to take to the House floor and deliver them as a speech. Twitter allows a bit more leeway, in that regard.”
SEND CONGRESS A PINK SLIP: Gun grabs, Martial Law, amnesty, executive orders, unconstitutional laws, bypassing Congress and the Constitution— Obama has committed a string high crimes and misdemeanors. YOU can send a PINK SLIP to every member of Congress putting them on notice: “IMPEACH OBAMA NOW OR WE’RE KICKING YOU OUT!”
The tweets began with Franks commenting about Obama “ignoring generals’ advice and giving up blood bought gains in Iraq to ISIS,” and has escalated from there. Here are some of the most retweeted items on the list:
Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour – #2 Ignoring pleas for help and misleading public after death of 4 Americans in Benghazi. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 16, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour. Join me. #5 IRS targeting of conservative groups and subsequent cover-up by IRS. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 16, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour: #4 Released 5 extraordinarily dangerous Taliban leaders in negotiations with terrorists. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 16, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour. This may take awhile. #8 Unconstitutional recess appointments. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 16, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every 30 mins. or until servers overload: Called #Israel "apartheid state" on Holocaust Remembrance Day #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour. Join me. #14 Meaningless "red line" on Syria & projection of weakness to the whole world. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour in attempt to catalog failure of this Admin. #16 Seizure of @AP reporters' phone records. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour until I list 100%: #19 "If you like it, you can keep it" lie about Obamacare. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting all #ObamaFailures every half-hour. Might take awhile. #25 Obama gift to Queen Elizabeth? iPod featuring his own speeches. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

#ObamaFailures every 30 mins. until 100% listed. #29 "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Someone else made that happen." #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting #ObamaFailures every half-hour for as long as it takes. #31 Refusal to prosecute Muslim Brotherhood in Holy Land Foundation trial.
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Tweeting #ObamaFailures every half-hour: #35 Obama to Russia's Medvedev: Give me space til elections, then I'll have more flexibility. #tcot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

#ObamaFailures every 30 mins: #37 Said "You're fed up w/ him? I have to deal w/ him every day" re: @IsraeliPM on hot mic #Israel #tcot #ccot
— Rep. Trent Franks (@RepTrentFranks) July 17, 2014

Franks said that his tweets are sent out with two goals in mind. “One, to attempt to list as many of the backwards, radical policies of this Administration are on record in one place, and two, to demonstrate the sometimes difficult truth that elections really do have consequences.”
There is no telling how many more #ObamaFailures Franks has up his sleeve, but in his words, “this may take awhile.”
The post Congressman Tweets an Obama Failure Every Half Hour; Up to 85 and Counting appeared first on Tea Party.

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