Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 210 of the year and time to state the obvious.

The Jews have lived in the area which is now Israel for more than 2000 years,
so they are not recent invaders and have a legitimate right to be there
Jerusalem is mentioned in the bible 667 times but not once in the koran.
So Jerusalem should be in Israel and not a Palestinian nation.

1948 Israel secures borders and expels some arabs after repeated attacks from arab states.
850,000 Jews expelled from Arab states and 700,000 Palestinians expelled from Israel.
So it was a tit for tat thing and not one sided against the Palestinians

1967 Israel attempts to move towards west bank state for Palestinians , but rejected by Palestinians.

Israeli Arabs in Jerusalem back Israeli control because of the freedoms they have.
free speech, free worship of any religion. Free press. Minority rights.

No Arab states offer free speech, freedom to worship a religion other than Islam,
freedoms for women and minorities.

The United Nations has condemned Israel more times than all the other nations of the world combined.
Nobody can tell me that the Arab Countries are any near as open, kind, free, than Israel.
Not to mention Russia, China, North Korea.... etc. What about Sudan Darfur ?  they are monumentally more egregious than Israel.

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